Harmonies and Contrasts – Vincent van Gogh
“There are harmonies and contrasts hidden in the colors that work together quite naturally.” — Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter and graphic artist —
Secrets of the Universe — Nikola Tesla
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla inventor and physicist —
Signs of Intelligence – Albert Einstein
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” — Albert Einstein, physicist —
Artificial Intelligence – Stephen Hawking
“AI is probably the best or worst thing that can happen to humanity.” – Stephen Hawking, physicist –
Monday morning
“Creativity doesn’t start on Monday mornings just before ten!”
Tires without aging
“Mature without aging is like living without being sick.”
It's not money that rules the world, but opportunities
“It’s not money that rules the world, but opportunities.”
Madness and truth
“Before madness conquers us, we must experience the truth.”
The opposite of love is fear
“The opposite of love is fear.”
German is clear
“German is clear.”