Berlin web design without unpleasant surprises

Anyone looking for a suitable web designer or media agency in Berlin is spoiled for choice. It is difficult to choose from the oversupply of overpriced agencies and freelance designers with half-knowledge, because only when the project ends on time will it become clear whether the service was good and can be recommended.

Various web designers in Berlin are flooding out offers for digital publications, but caution is advised, because a website is an individual design and must not only be adapted to the needs of the customer, but also be easily and quickly accessible to the target group after completion .

“Be easily found on Google & CO”

billomat magazine

After publishing the new web presence, the website operator must be able to easily maintain the content or negotiate a flat rate with the service provider in which all updates are written directly by the professional into the CMS WordPress or Joomla web project. This maintenance service and SEO service is the best for a new website because the target group-specific content ensures good results and a higher ranking in the search engines.

The advantage of an “administrator” is that new content is always published in an SEO-compliant manner and the website, ahead of the future, is on the upward trend in search engine listings. In order for the website to be completely SEO-like, technical requirements must be taken into account, content rules for text and images must be observed, and creativity is required when designing the right sentences. Anyone who gets a website published is obliged as a website operator to set up the system at least once a month with technical updates and new content, because the search engines list safe and active domains better than those that have only been created once without editorial contributions.

In order for the new website to be good, an interview between me and the client at the beginning of a project is just as important as the right domain name under which the online project will later be published. In this interview, the most important points for website design are identified and it is shown which texts, images and media are needed. Based on these details, a professional can quickly find the solution with which technology the website will be edited and what costs will arise for the website operator.

“It’s all about the right CMS!”

PC Magazine

I always notice with new customers that they are given incorrect advice, especially by agencies, and receive an oversized offer for their medium-sized business with light e-commerce that meets the customer's wishes, but in the long term increases the operating costs for the website operator exceed the planned budget.

As a web designer in Berlin, it is difficult to stand out among all the fakers, because it is usually the “cheaper the better” mentality of interested parties that leads bargain hunters to fall into the clutches of the wrong people. The misunderstanding usually only becomes apparent in the creation phase, that the implementation does not correspond to the expectations and important work was intentionally not included in the offer. Either the general terms and conditions are very extensive or the contract uses wording that protects the contractor and exploits the ignorance of the client. The result is a half-finished project that leaves the customer in the lurch and thus falls by the wayside.

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